Toca kitchen sushi restaurant apk
Toca kitchen sushi restaurant apk

Will their eyes brighten in delight, or will they make a grossed-out face? The dining counter is where your customers finally get to see your culinary creation, grab their chopsticks and dig in. Do something extra and you may get a big reaction from your customers! Get artistic about it, arrange the food in perfect patterns, or make a huge, messy pile even decorate with funny stickers. Once you’ve prepared your meal, it needs the perfect plate. Your blade is masterful-it can cut through anything, like a huge fish or hard salami! Hit the cutting board to slice up your ingredients or your sushi rolls. Want your food a bit well-done? Crank up the temperature on the frying pan and see what happens. Whether it’s a sheet of seaweed, tofu or lettuce, you can roll up your ingredients into sushi, funky cones, giant burritos, you name it. The rolling mat is where everything comes together. Using the control panel, you can form any ingredient into different shapes, like an oval, square, or even a flower! The shape machine is 1,000 light years ahead of a plain old rice cooker. If you’d rather stick to just veggies, switch to the vegan setting! Choose from rice, tuna, avocado, asparagus, squid, salmon, pepper, salami, radish, candy canes (no joke!), ginger, potato, tofu, shrimp and many, many more. Greet your customers, then head to the fridge to see all your fresh ingredients. That might be the most surprising thing of all! Once you’re finished cooking up something unexpected for your customers-it could even be totally gross if you want-sit back and see how they react. With a fantastic array of ingredients, condiments, tools, serving dishes and some hidden surprises, you’re set for some serious play. Want to make stars and hearts of watermelon and mix them with fish and hot peppers? Make the roundest rice ball? You’ve got great tools for that right at your fingertips. Feel like slicing up squid, asparagus, and candy canes, and rolling it all up into a cone of seaweed? Go right ahead. Customers come in, and you decide what they’re going to eat. With Toca Kitchen Sushi, you’re the chef of a busy seaside restaurant.

Toca kitchen sushi restaurant apk